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Woody Guthrie Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts (3-CD Deluxe Box Set)

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Recorded live at Carnegie Hall 1968 and Hollywood Bowl 1970 Exclusive 3-CD set accompanied... more

Woody Guthrie: Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts (3-CD Deluxe Box Set)

Recorded live at Carnegie Hall 1968 and Hollywood Bowl 1970

Exclusive 3-CD set accompanied by two beautifully illustrated books containing historic liner notes and Guthrie biography, original concert reviews and photographs, attendees interviews and artists bios, and concert ephemera.
  • DeLuxe packaging, two hardcover books
  • Total no. of pages: 240, format 27 x 27 cms, in carton slipcase
  • Total playing time: 218:22 minutes
  • Total number of tracks: 100
  • Folk, Singer/Songwriter, Americana   

• The September release of ''Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts Carnegie Hall 1968 • Hollywood Bowl 1970'' commemorates the 50th anniversary of the date when Woody Guthrie’s wife Marjorie Mazia founded the Committee to Combat Huntington’s Disease/CCHD on September 18, 1967 now re-named Huntington’s Disease Society of America/HDSA. Woody Guthrie passed away on October 6, 1967 after a stubborn fifteen year bout with the disease. On October 3, 2017 Marjorie Mazia Guthrie would have turned 100. In addition to commemorating 50 years since Woody Guthrie passed away, with this release we also celebrate 50 years of Marjorie’s groundbreaking work giving help and hope to HD families around the world.

•  Two ''Tribute to Woody Guthrie'' concerts were planned after Woody Guthrie’s death: at New York City’s Carnegie Hall on January 20th, 1968, and at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles on September 12, 1970

• Appearing at the January concert were Judy Collins, Bob Dylan with the members of The Band, Jack Elliott, Arlo Guthrie, Richie Havens, Odetta, Tom Paxton, Pete Seeger. 
• Appearing in Los Angeles were Joan Baez, Jack Elliott, Arlo Guthrie, Odetta, Country Joe McDonald, Richie Havens, Earl Robinson and Pete Seeger. The house band included members of Swampwater and Ry Cooder
• Originally released on two LPs

Bear Family's forthcoming 2017 edition contains 20 previously unreleased songs, plus interviews, unseen photos and illustrations.

Video von Woody Guthrie - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts (3-CD Deluxe Box Set)

Article properties: Woody Guthrie: Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts (3-CD Deluxe Box Set)

  • Interpret: Woody Guthrie

  • Album titlle: Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts (3-CD Deluxe Box Set)

  • Einband Hardcover
  • Artikelart Box set

  • Größe 27 x 27 x 2 cm
  • ISBN-13 978-3-89916-900-3
  • Verleger Bear Family Records
  • Language English
  • Edition 2 Deluxe Edition
  • Label Bear Family Records

  • Preiscode CL
  • Genre Folk

  • EAN: 5397102173295

  • weight in Kg 2.5
Various - Bear Family Records - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts (3-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 1
01 Intro This Train Is Bound For Glory Pete Seeger & Arlo Guthrie (harmonica) with Full Cast
02 Narration Robert Ryan
03 Narration Will Geer
04 Oklahoma Hills Arlo Guthrie
05 Narration Will Geer
06 So Long, It's Been Good To Know Yuh (Dusty Old Dust) Judy Collins
07 Narration Robert Ryan
08 Riding In My Car Woody Guthrie
09 Narration Will Geer
10 Curly Headed Baby Pete Seeger
11 Narration Robert Ryan
12 Ramblin' Round Odetta
13 Narration Will Geer
14 Goin' Down The Road (I Ain't Gonna Be Treated This A-Way) Pete Seeger, Judy Collins & Arlo Guthrie
15 Narration Robert Ryan
16 Pretty Boy Floyd Tom Paxton
17 Narration Will Geer
18 Blues For Woody Richie Havens
19 Narration Will Geer
20 Plane Wreck At Los Gatos (Deportee) Judy Collins
21 Vigilante Man Richie Havens
22 Pastures Of Plenty Tom Paxton
23 Grand Coulee Dam Bob Dylan
24 Dear Mrs Roosevelt Bob Dylan
25 I Ain't Got No Bob Dylan
26 Roll On Columbia (Part 1) Judy Collins
27 Narration Robert Ryan
28 Roll On Columbia (Part 2) Judy Collins
29 Jackhammer John Pete Seeger & Richie Havens
30 Biggest Thing That Man Has Ever Done (The Great Historical Bum) Tom Paxton
31 Union Maid Judy Collins & Pete Seeger
32 Will Geer/Judy Collins /Narration Robert Ryan
33 This Land Is Your Land Odetta, Will Geer, Arlo Guthrie with Full Cast
Various - Bear Family Records - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts (3-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 2
01 Intro This Train Is Bound For Glory Full Cast
02 Narration Peter Fonda & Will Geer
03 Oklahoma Hills Arlo Guthrie
04 Narration Will Geer
05 So Long, It's Been Good To Know Yuh Joan Baez & Pete Seeger
06 (Narration Peter Fonda
07 Goin' Down The Road (Ain't Gonna Be Treated This A-Way) Country Joe McDonald, Arlo Guthrie, Jack Elliott & Pete Seeger
08 Narration Peter Fonda & Will Geer
09 Hobo's Lullaby Joan Baez
10 Narration Peter Fonda
11 Ramblin' Round Odetta
12 Narration Will Geer
13 I Ain't Got No Home (Woody Guthrie) Pete Seeger & Arlo Guthrie
14 Narration Peter Fonda
15 Pretty Boy Floyd Country Joe McDonald
16 Nine Hundred Miles Richie Havens
17 Narration Will Geer & Peter Fonda
18 Plane Wreck At Los Gatos (Deportee) Joan Baez
19 (Narration Peter Fonda
20 John Hardy Odetta
21 Narration Will Geer
22 Hard Travelin' Jack Elliott, Pete Seeger, Joan Baez, Earl Robinson, Country Joe McDonald & Arlo Guthrie
23 Narration Will Geer
24 Vigilante Man Richie Havens
25 Narration Peter Fonda
26 1913 Massacre Jack Elliott
27 Do Re Mi (Woody Guthrie) Arlo Guthrie
28 Narration Will Geer
29 Pastures Of Plenty (Woody Guthrie) Joan Baez
30 Narration Peter Fonda
31 Roll On Columbia Earl Robinson & Pete Seeger
Various - Bear Family Records - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts (3-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 3
01 Narration Will Geer
02 Why Oh Why & (Narration Odetta with Will Geer & Peter Fonda
03 Mail Myself To You Earl Robinson
04 Howdido Jack Elliott
05 Narration Peter Fonda
06 Woman At Home (Woody Guthrie / Country Joe McDonald) Country Joe McDonald
07 Narration Will Geer
08 The Sinking Of The Reuben James Pete Seeger
09 Narration Will Geer
10 Jesus Christ Arlo Guthrie
11 Odetta, John Pilla & Gib Guilbeau) /I've Got To Know Arlo Guthrie & Joan Baez (Background vocals
12 This Train Is Bound For Glory Arlo Guthrie, Country Joe McDonald, Odetta, Joan Baez & Pete Seeger
13 Narration Peter Fonda & Joan Baez
14 This Land Is Your Land / So Long, It's Been Good To Know Yuh Full Cast
15 The only thing I really remember… Arlo Guthrie (interview)
16 These events with a multitude of people… Arlo Guthrie (interview)
17 First of all, your mom… Judy Collins (interview)
18 I received an invitation… Jack Elliott (interview)
19 I was very excited about the whole thing… Jack Elliott (interview)
20 It was a mob scene… Rick Robbins (interview)
21 When he came out… Rick Robbins (interview)
22 I was very nervous… Judy Collins (interview)
23 I was very moved by… Rick Robbins (interview)
24 I was invited by… Tom Paxton (interview)
25 We all went on stage together… Tom Paxton (interview)
26 Oh, I look at pictures of me… Tom Paxton (interview)
27 And then after the show was more memories… Rick Robbins (interview)
28 The Woody Guthrie concert was my last straw… Phil Ochs (interview)
29 The second time I had more of a hand… Arlo Guthrie (interview)
30 Well at the rehearsal… Country Joe McDonald (interview)
31 The soundcheck for the show I was sitting… Country Joe McDonald (interview)
32 One of the great things… Arlo Guthrie (interview)
33 I was with Warner Brothers at the time… Arlo Guthrie (interview)
34 The records were made taking bits and pieces… Arlo Guthrie (interview)
35 Woody lives on… Pete Seeger (interview)
36 Last Thoughts On Woody Guthrie Bob Dylan (interview)
Review 6
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Customer evaluation for "Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts (3-CD Deluxe Box Set)"
26 Mar 2018

Feuerwerk für die Sinne

Die Bücher der Box zusammen mit den CDs - obwohl die Musik der hier versammelten Folk-Legenden keinesfalls als Hintergrundmusik verstanden werden soll, sondern die Lieder lassen insbesondere die zahlreichen Fotos quasi lebendig werden - beschäftigen die Sinne auch über den bloßen Inhalt der qualitativ wieder in jeder Hinsicht hochwertigen Box hinaus: Man beschäftigt sich (wieder) - auch kritisch wie schon einige der anderen Rezensenten - mit dem Werk und der Person Guthries sowie der US-amerikanischen Folkszene insgesamt, was nicht losgelöst vom politischen und sozialen Umfeld seiner Zeit möglich ist.
Schon deshalb hat die Box einen hohen Wert und hebt sich deutlich von belanglosen Billigproduktionen ab.

8 Jan 2018

Etwas kritischerer Umgang mit dem Werk hätte der Erinnerung gut getan

Vorneweg: Ich bin das erste mal mit 14 auf die damals in Deutschland erhältliche Doppel-LP, die es als Zusammenschnitt der beiden Konzerte gab, gestoßen. Ein Bekannter hatte sie mir vorgespielt und ich habe sie mir auf Kassette kopiert. Viel später habe ich mir dann die ziemlich zusammengeschnittene CD gekauft.

Das war damals meine Initialzündung für Joan Baez, Pete Seeger, Tom Paxton, Judy Collins, und alles was davon ausging: John Prine, Indigo Girls, Nanci Griffith usw.

Ich verehre diese Leute wg. der Musik, die sie machen und wg. ihrer Fähigkeit Lieder zu schreiben, die vielen Menschen Mut machen.

Ich habe Arlo's Kirche in Massachusetts besucht, und ich habe Pete Seeger noch wenige Monate bevor er starb, auf der Straße in Beacon, NY gesehen, wie er ein achtlos weggeworfenes Papiertaschentuch aufhob und in den Papierkorb warf.

Ich bin mir dessen bewußt, daß viele von ihnen, wie Pete und die Weavers, unter der Kommunistenverfolgung gelitten haben.

ABER: es sind auch nur Menschen und sie haben Fehler gemacht. Viele, insbesondere auch Woody Guthrie und Pete Seeger, haben in den vierziger und fünfziger Jahren, kein Wort über den Terror der Kommunisten im Ostblock, verloren. Pete hat irgendwann am Ende, als es gar nicht mehr anders ging, ein paar Sätze dazu gesagt. Meines Erachtens zu wenig und zu spät.

Wenn ich die Reunion CDs der Weavers höre oder den Mitschnitt von Pete's Carnegie-Hall-Konzert, dann singe ich mit oder schnappe mir meine Gitarre und versuche mitzuschrammeln.

Und doch empfinde ich es als eine unterschlagene Seite der Wahrheit, daß die blinde Gefolgschaft gegenüber dem Kommunismus, nicht kritisch betrachtet wird. Daß z.B. Woody Guthrie, aber auch Pete und die Mitglieder der Almanac Singers den deutschen Überfall auf Polen und die darauf folgende Aufteilung zwischen Deutschland und der Sowjetunion, nie thematisiert haben, aber von dem Moment als die Deutschen Rußland überfallen haben, zu Kriegsbefürwortern wurden, läßt sich kaum nachvollziehen. Auch die stalinistischen Säuberungen in den dreißiger Jahren finden in den Songs nicht statt. Was hinter dem Eisernen Vorhang nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg vor sich ging, hat ebenfalls keinen Niederschlag gefunden.

In dem Begleitbuch ist viel von der amerikanischen Linken die Rede und wie mindestens drei Generationen von Folk-Musikern daraus hervorgingen und wie diese auch die Linke geprägt haben. Aber das nur zu erzählen ist meines Erachtens zu unkritisch.

Für mich ist Folk-Musik keine ideologische Angelegenheit. Man tut den Songs unrecht, wenn man sie in diese Ecke schiebt. Und man wird ihren Schreibern nicht gerecht, wenn man sie blinden Gefolgsleuten einer politischen Idee degradiert.

Mir fehlt dieser kritische Umgang, oder auch die Unterlassung jeder Art von Kritik an dem, was Millionen von Menschen aufgrund der kommunistischen Ideologie erleiden mußten, vollkommen.

Vielleicht bin ich auch der einzige, der das so sieht, aber ich vermisse den _kritischen_ Umgang mit dem Werk Woody Guthries. Die Songs werden dadurch ja nicht schlechter.

Nichtsdestotrotz: 10 Punkte für die Begleittexte und die darin enthaltenen Informationen. Die Qualität der Abmischung der Schuber-CDs ist einfach klasse. Ich habe es mir, ob des Preises, zwei mal überlegt, ob ich mir die Ausgabe wünschen soll. Ein sehr, sehr lieber Mensch hat sich meiner erbarmt, und tief in die Tasche gegriffen.

Wer Folk-Musik und Americana mag, kann sich an diesen CDs kaum satt hören.

18 Nov 2017

Historische Box!

Oldiemarkt 12/17 "Die beiden Bücher sind schon beachtlich, doch dazu kommen noch die drei CDs, die die beiden Konzerte minutiös aufzeichnen und ein Who Is Who der damaligen Folkszene bringen. Das ist eine historische Box, wie man sie selten findet."

9 Oct 2017


Wieder einmal ein gelungenes Projekt von der Bear Family !

5 Oct 2017

Drei Akkorde und die Wahrheit

LEBEN Woodrow Wilson Guthrie, geboren 1912 in Okemah, Oklahoma, gestorben am 3. Oktober 1967 in New York, gilt als wichtigster Einfluss auf die Folkmusikszene der 60er Jahre. Der Autodidakt war ungemein produktiv, allen Tragödien seines Lebens zum Trotz: Seine Schwester kam bei einem Brand um, seine Mutter wurde in die Psychiatrie eingewiesen, weil ihre Krankheit, Chorea Huntington, die auch Guthries zwei Töchter aus erster Ehe und ihn selbst befiel, nicht erkannt wurde. Sein Sohn Will Rogers kam als Teenager bei einem Unfall ums Leben.

NACHLEBEN Das von seiner Tochter Nora, 67, aufgearbeitete Archiv bildet das Herzstück des 2013 eröffneten Woody Guthrie Centers in Oklahoma, das zugleich als politische und kulturelle Bühne dient. Nora Guthrie, die diverse neue Vertonungen der Texte ihres Vaters initiierte, ist CoProduzentin der gerade erschienenen Box „Woody Guthrie The Tribute Concerts" (Bear Family Records, 99,95 E).

NR. 23 252 / SONNTAG, 1. OKTOBER 2017

4 Oct 2017

Excellentes Box Set

Einfach fantastisch wieviel Liebe in den Projekt steckt!!!

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Press and Reviews
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - NewsOK
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - NewsOKBear Family’s comprehensive three-CD box set "Woody Guthrie: The Tribute Concerts," due out on Sept. 22, pays homage to Guthrie who died Oct. 3, 1967, at the age of 55 from complications of Huntington's disease. Cover image provided
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - no depression
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - no depression Bear Family Records is releasing a deluxe 3-CD set that contains an additional 20 tracks and interviews with Collins, Elliott, Arlo, Country Joe McDonald, Phil Ochs, Paxton, and Seeger. Also included are 240 pages of notes, essays, photos, and reproductions of the concert book along with lyrics and notations. While I still have the original vinyl release, this gem of a set adds so much more detail on a life that was at the foundation of roots music. How much better can you get than Guthrie's songs performed by the elite folksingers of their day who also had the good fortune to have known him?
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts -
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - Tribute concerts are often a mixed bag, especially if the idea is to bring a group of stars together to pay homage to an influential musical figure. The recent tribute to the wonderful singer, Tony Bennett, Tony Bennett Celebrates 90 (Columbia, 2016) is a sad case in point. There is no shortage of stars on that particular album, but the aesthetic understanding of Bennett's music is so limited that it reduces rather than expands the scope of his musical legacy. A good tribute does the opposite of this. It shows the many aspects of an artist and paints a nuanced portrait that goes beyond the easy clichés. It shows the connection between the artist's own story and the musical narrative that he or she has helped to build.
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts -
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - Woody Guthrie died in late 1967. Soon after, two tribute concerts were planned: one in 1968 in New York, and one in 1970 in Los Angeles. Bear Family, who has always done excellent archival work, has released those two albums in a handsome boxed set. The tributes were done at just the right time, that brief period between mourning his loss and the development of a cynical marketing of memory. Woody Guthrie seems to be revived every decade or so, be it Bruce Springsteen singing him for Obama's inauguration, the Billy Bragg/Wilco albums, or the recent uncovering of a song he wrote about Trump's father.
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - youtube
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - youtube “Woody Guthrie & Songs for Social Change” was one of the Panels at the Annual Americana Music Conference and Festival in Nashville from September 12-17, 2017. This is always a great Conference with amazing panels and showcase performances.
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts -
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - Folk artist Woody Guthrie's influence can still be felt in music today. While Guthrie's music entered many homes over the years,
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - the art desk
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - the art desk Woody Guthrie: 'The true voice of the American spirit' Fifty years on from his death, a box set celebrates the folk singer hailed by Bob Dylan
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - Restless and Real
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - Restless and Real In the end, there was and is nobody else quite like Woody Guthrie. When I listen to his music, I get the same feeling as when I read or see Shakespeare performed - that it is hard to believe that someone actually wrote those songs. They've become so deeply interwoven in our consciousness, our words, beliefs, desired actions as they play out in the world we see around us that it doesn't seem possible that they originated from a single person.
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - FROOTS, UK
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - FROOTS, UK The package contains two twelve-by- twelve-inch hardbacks. These contain essays, historical analysis and come copiously illustrat- ed and full of photos courtesy of David Gahr, Jim Marshall and others. The books not only detail the history of the galas but really add to a canon which, until Joe Klein’s 1981 biogra- phy Woody Guthrie – A Life, took up next to no room on a bookshelf. Bear Family’s boxed set takes Guthrie’s legacy into new space.
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - Mother Jones
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - Mother Jones Dylan buffs can also check out the three-CD Woody Guthrie: The Tribute Concerts, combining two all-star events celebrating the folk icon that were held at New York’s Carnegie Hall in 1968 and the Hollywood Bowl in 1970. Given the enormous influence Guthrie had on the young Dylan in his earliest incarnation, Bob was a logical participant, but his three-song ’68 segment signified more than that: It was his first public appearance since a 1966 motorcycle accident and he was backed by The Band, still to release their debut.
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - relix
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - relix The passing of Woody Guthrie in October 1967, just as the great folk revival of the early ‘60s gave way to the rock revolution, left an enormous gap in the American music landscape—there wasn’t a singer-songwriter out there who didn’t acknowledge Guthrie’s influence.
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - globalist IT
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - globalist ITWoody Guthrie, il sogno dell'altra America che continua In un sontuoso cofanetto escono per la Bear Family i dischi tributo del 1968 e del 1970: tre cd, due libri. Per celebrare il menestrello che con una chitarra "ammazzava" ogni forma di fascismo di Rock Reynolds D’accordo,
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - elmore
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - globalist ITWoody Guthrie, il sogno dell'altra To say that this box set from the Bear Family is comprehensive, would be like saying the Rockefeller family can spare a dime. Or as Ed McMahon used to say to Johnny Carson, “Everything you would want to know is in there!” I would say if you can’t hear, read, or see it in this set friend, you really don’t need to.
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - Folk Roots/Folk Branches
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - Folk Roots/Folk Branches VARIOUS ARTISTS Woody Guthrie: The Tribute Concerts – Carnegie Hall 1968, Hollywood Bowl 1970 Bear Family Records Woody Guthrie, one of the most important, iconic and influential of 20th century folksingers, songwriters, authors, activists, and social commentators died 50 years ago this month on October 3, 1967. Woody was 55 when he died after spending 13 years in hospitals due to Huntington’s disease, a hereditary neurological disease. Woody left an extraordinary body of work created in a remarkably brief career. It used to be said that he wrote about 1,000 songs. Now thanks to the archival work of Nora Guthrie, Woody’s daughter, we know that he wrote about 3,000 songs
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts -
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - The Germany-based Bear Family label doesn’t tend to put words like “ultimate” and “super deluxe” in the titles of its box sets, but if any record company should be entitled to employ such adjectives, it’s this one. Its boxes are typically lavishly packaged, often with hardcover books, and mind-bogglingly comprehensive. They’re not cheap, but none of them will leave you complaining about audio quality or a lack of extras, and certainly not about missing tracks.
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - ink19
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - ink19 If ever a time needed the wisdom and enthusiasm of Woody Guthrie, it is now. The things that Woody wrote about – the power of people joined together in strife, the need for compassion for all, and the call for judgement of our leaders, well, no time like the present. When Guthrie wrote “This Land is Your Land”, “Do Re Mi” or “Pretty Boy Floyd” – and literally thousands more – he etched the conscience of America into history. Hell, he wrote “Old Man Trump” about our President’s father. Woody knew.
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - the second disc
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - the second disc Bound for Glory: Dylan, Baez, Paxton, Havens, Collins Celebrate Woody Guthrie on New Bear Family Box NOVEMBER 8, 2017 BY JOE MARCHESE LEAVE A COMMENT BUY NOW FROM AMAZON.COM Bob Dylan once said that, upon hearing Woody Guthrie’s songs, “it was like I had been in the dark and someone had turned on the main switch of a lightning conductor.” Steve Earle opined that “Woody is my hero of heroes and the only person on earth that I will go to my grave regretting that I never met.” No less a literary eminence than John Steinbeck noted, “Woody is just Woody,” before explaining, “Harsh voiced and nasal, his guitar hanging like a tire iron on a rusty rim, there is nothing sweet about Woody, and there is nothing sweet about the songs he sings. But there is something more important for those who will listen.
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - nodepression
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - nodepression Bear Family’s lavish three CD, two book set collects material from two live tribute shows, featuring performances by Arlo Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Judy Collins, Bob Dylan (his first appearance after his motorcycle accident), Odetta, Joan Baez, Richie Havens, Jack Elliott, Country Joe McDonald, Tom Paxton and Earl Robinson, along with narration from actors Robert Rya
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - mojo
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - mojo Various **** Woody Guthrie: The Tribute Concerts BEAR FAMILY. CD Songs to Woody by his legendary "children". Two tributes to quintessential American troubadour Woody Guthrie were held in New York, in 1968, and Los Angeles in 1970. This handsome 3-CD box contains both concerts in their entirety for the first time, accompanied by two books of essays, lyrics and ephemera. At the heart of the collection is Woody's music performed by son Arlo Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Ramblin' Jack Elliott, Joan Baez, Odetta„ Judy Collins, Richie Havens, Tom Paxton, Country Joe McDonald and Earl Robinson The New York show was a!, Bob Dylan's first public appearance in 19 months performing with The Ban,. (the highlight of their eat three-song set was an emotional Dear Mrs Roosevelt), while Ry Cood, and others backed up LA singers. Electricity opponent Seeger demurre. Some listeners will notice that Collins' and Baez's two renditions of Deportee -the story of "illegal" Mexicar, immigrants killed in an accident ring tragically true today. Michael Simmons
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - Colorado Springs Independent
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - Colorado Springs Independent One noteworthy exception is the Bear Family label’s meticulous new Woody Guthrie: The Tribute Concerts, which boasts three bona fide CDs and two hardcover books that chronicle the 1968 and 1970 concerts honoring Woody Guthrie in NYC and LA, respectively. The books give us unique pictorial glimpses of concert production, and of Woody’s life from the 1920s until his death from Lou Gehrig’s disease in 1967. While the remastering of the live recordings is exceptional, the real accomplishments here are twofold: acquiring rights to original releases that were split between Columbia and Warner Brothers, and adding a third disc of interviews with participants and family, including Arlo Guthrie. It may be tempting to skip to Bob Dylan’s or Joan Baez’s contributions first, but it’s the lesser lights like Odetta and Tom Paxton that make this definitive box such a tribute to Woody.
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - the devils music
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - the devils music Woody Guthrie is widely considered – and rightfully so – as the Grand Daddy of Americana music. Guthrie’s career was incredibly short, considering his accomplishments, spanning from the early ‘30s until the late ‘50s, when Huntington’s disease rendered him unable to perform until his too-young death in 1967 at the age of 55 years. S
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - Holiday Gift Guide
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - Holiday Gift Guide There is truly something for every music lover on your holiday list this season. From enticing hardcover fully-illustrated books focusing on AC/DC and David Bowie to essential new audio and/or visual collections featuring Jeff Lynne's ELO, Neil Young, Alvin Lee and more,
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - augusta chronicle
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - augusta chronicle Various artists, “Woody Guthrie The Tribute Concerts: Carnegie Hall 1968; Hollywood Bowl 1970” — This three-CD set expands on the original 1972 albums that documented two all-star concerts for Guthrie held in the wake of the folk/protest song pioneer’s death in 1967. The Carnegie Hall concert featured a who’s who from the ’60s folk scene, including Guthrie’s son, Arlo, Pete Seeger, Odetta, Judy Collins, Richie Havens, Bob Dylan and others.
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - Regenstreif
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - Regenstreif Here are my picks for the Top 17 folk-rooted or folk-branched albums of 2017. As in past years, I started with the list of hundreds of albums that landed on my desk over the past year and narrowed it down to a short list of about 30. I’ve been over the short list several times over the past couple of weeks and came up with several similar – not identical – Top 17 lists.
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - hyperbolium
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - hyperbolium Bear Family’s lavish three CD, two book set collects material from two live tribute shows, featuring performances by Arlo Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Judy Collins, Bob Dylan (his first appearance after his motorcycle accident), Odetta, Joan Baez, Richie Havens, Jack Elliott, Country Joe McDonald, Tom Paxton and Earl Robinson, along with narration from actors Robert Ryan, Will Geer and Peter Fonda. The first tribute included an afternoon/evening pair of concerts staged at Carnegie Hall in 1968, the second tribute was staged at the Hollywood Bowl in 1970. Material from both tributes was released in edited, collated and resequenced form on a pair of 1972 LPs, Part 1 on Columbia and Part 2 on Warner Brothers, and eventually reissued on CD and MP3.
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - Vive Le Rock
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - Vive Le Rock A sumptuous boxset of a legendary gig. 011 When Woody Guthrie died in 1967, after a long battle with Huntington's Disease, his loss was mourned widely by fans and musicians alike. His friends organised a tribute gig that took place in Carnegie Hall in 1968 and two years later another huge re-enactment of sorts took place at Hollywood Bowl. 18,000 people were there to witness the likes of Bob Dylan pay their re-spects.
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - Goldmine
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - Goldmine We see from a 1940 draft that "This Land Is Your Land" started out titled "God Blessed America." Penned merely as an adver-tising jingle for hydroelectric power, "Roll On Columbia" has become a timeless anthem for the Pacific Northwest. And when, in "Biggest Thing That Man Has Ever Done (The Great Historical Bum)," Woody — himself a great historical bum — glided in just two lines from the Garden Of Eden to modern-day apple pickers unionizing, we witness how he wrote not only for his own time but for all time. — Bruce Sylvester
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - The Alternate Root
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - The Alternate Root Will Geer introduces Woody by his full name, Woodrow Wilson Guthrie, and points to the instruments he played… ‘guitar, mouth harp, mountain fiddle, mandolin’. Robert Ryan shows the man’s commitment as he describes the guitar in Woody’s hands and its message of ‘this machine kills fascists’. The narrations are part of a recent triple-disc release from Bear Family Records, Woody Guthrie, The Tribute Concerts. Will Geer and Robert Ryan are on stage at the Carnegie Hall performance (January 20, 1968), with Will Geer and Peter Fonda at the microphone for the Hollywood Bowl tribute (September 12, 1970). After a fifteen-year battle with Huntington’s Disease, Woody Guthrie passed away on October 3, 1967. The outpouring of songs come from artists inspired by Woody Guthrie, the events a celebration as they remember the man. Musical backing for the shows was provided by The Band (Robbie Robertson, Levon Helm, Rick Danko, Richard Manuel, Garth Hudson) at Carnegie Hall, and a cast of players at the Hollywood Bowl that included Ry Cooder along with then-current and future members of The Flying Burrito Brothers, Chris Etheridge, Gib Gilbeau, and John Beland among other west coast Folk and Roots music luminaries.
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - Deccan Chronical
Press - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - Deccan Chronical A more or less complete recording of both concerts, issued late last year by the German record label Bear Family. In a year peppered with the 50th anniversaries of events that shaped, or distorted, late 20th-century history — from revolutionary upsurges to tragic assassinations and key moments in the Vietnam War — let us begin with a relatively innocuous event. On January 20, 1968, an audience consisting largely of folk music aficionados packed New York’s Carnegie Hall for a memorial concert commemorating Woody Guthrie, who had died three months earlier at the age of 55 of Hunting-ton’s chorea.
Press Archive - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - country standard time
Press Archive - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts - country standard time These historical concerts honoring one of America's greatest musical treasures are worthy of the Bear Family treatment, and the label did not disappoint when assembling this fantastic box.
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First Pressings - The History of Rhythm & Blues Vol.6: 1956
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First Pressings - The History of Rhythm & Blues Vol.9: 1959
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Various - Bear Family Records - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts (3-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 1
01 Intro This Train Is Bound For Glory
02 Narration
03 Narration
04 Oklahoma Hills
05 Narration
06 So Long, It's Been Good To Know Yuh (Dusty Old Dust)
07 Narration
08 Riding In My Car
09 Narration
10 Curly Headed Baby
11 Narration
12 Ramblin' Round
13 Narration
14 Goin' Down The Road (I Ain't Gonna Be Treated This A-Way)
15 Narration
16 Pretty Boy Floyd
17 Narration
18 Blues For Woody
19 Narration
20 Plane Wreck At Los Gatos (Deportee)
21 Vigilante Man
22 Pastures Of Plenty
23 Grand Coulee Dam
24 Dear Mrs Roosevelt
25 I Ain't Got No
26 Roll On Columbia (Part 1)
27 Narration
28 Roll On Columbia (Part 2)
29 Jackhammer John
30 Biggest Thing That Man Has Ever Done (The Great Historical Bum)
31 Union Maid
32 Will Geer/Judy Collins /Narration
33 This Land Is Your Land
Various - Bear Family Records - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts (3-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 2
01 Intro This Train Is Bound For Glory
02 Narration
03 Oklahoma Hills
04 Narration
05 So Long, It's Been Good To Know Yuh
06 (Narration
07 Goin' Down The Road (Ain't Gonna Be Treated This A-Way)
08 Narration
09 Hobo's Lullaby
10 Narration
11 Ramblin' Round
12 Narration
13 I Ain't Got No Home (Woody Guthrie)
14 Narration
15 Pretty Boy Floyd
16 Nine Hundred Miles
17 Narration
18 Plane Wreck At Los Gatos (Deportee)
19 (Narration
20 John Hardy
21 Narration
22 Hard Travelin'
23 Narration
24 Vigilante Man
25 Narration
26 1913 Massacre
27 Do Re Mi (Woody Guthrie)
28 Narration
29 Pastures Of Plenty (Woody Guthrie)
30 Narration
31 Roll On Columbia
Various - Bear Family Records - Woody Guthrie - The Tribute Concerts (3-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 3
01 Narration
02 Why Oh Why & (Narration
03 Mail Myself To You
04 Howdido
05 Narration
06 Woman At Home (Woody Guthrie / Country Joe McDonald)
07 Narration
08 The Sinking Of The Reuben James
09 Narration
10 Jesus Christ
11 Odetta, John Pilla & Gib Guilbeau) /I've Got To Know
12 This Train Is Bound For Glory
13 Narration
14 This Land Is Your Land / So Long, It's Been Good To Know Yuh
15 The only thing I really remember…
16 These events with a multitude of people…
17 First of all, your mom…
18 I received an invitation…
19 I was very excited about the whole thing…
20 It was a mob scene…
21 When he came out…
22 I was very nervous…
23 I was very moved by…
24 I was invited by…
25 We all went on stage together…
26 Oh, I look at pictures of me…
27 And then after the show was more memories…
28 The Woody Guthrie concert was my last straw…
29 The second time I had more of a hand…
30 Well at the rehearsal…
31 The soundcheck for the show I was sitting…
32 One of the great things…
33 I was with Warner Brothers at the time…
34 The records were made taking bits and pieces…
35 Woody lives on…
36 Last Thoughts On Woody Guthrie