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Various - Truckers, Kickers, Cowboy Angels Vol.01, The Blissed-Out Birth Of Country Rock 1966-68 (2-CD)

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2-CD Digipak (6-plated) with 96-page booklet, 41 tracks. Total playing time approx. 116:04...more

Various - Truckers, Kickers, Cowboy Angels: Vol.01, The Blissed-Out Birth Of Country Rock 1966-68 (2-CD)

2-CD Digipak (6-plated) with 96-page booklet, 41 tracks. Total playing time approx. 116:04 minutes. Country Rock

The Blissed-Out Birth of Country Rock 1966-1968; Volume 1

Did it start in July 1954 when Elvis Presley applied his twitchy energy to Bill Monroe's regal bluegrass waltz, Blue Moon Of Kentucky? Or a couple of years later when Carl Perkins recorded Dixie Fried, deluding himself into thinking that northern pop stations would play it? Or was it 'Beatles For Sale' in 1964 or Rick Nelson's startling self-reinvention in 1966? Or the early International Submarine Band singles? Or the Byrds' Time Between or Old John Robertson?

Country Rock was quintessentially Californian while its forebear, Rockabilly, was quintessentially Southern, but both were reactions against then-prevailing music. Both seemed to prove Isaac Newton's third law of motion; that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Every rockabilly single was a finger thrust in the face of smug, perfectly formed 1950s pop. Country Rock (or "longhair country" as the trade press called it) was a reaction against the self-absorption of psychedelia. In 1968 - the year Country Rock became a thing - Iron Butterfly released 'In-a-Gadda-da Vida.' The title song consumed one entire side of the LP, and, without drugs, it was unlistenable. Concurrently, there was a dematerializing back-to-the-land movement - an attempt to recapture any slice of Eden that hadn't been paved over.

Country Rock wasn't trying to supplant or reinvent Nashville. These were times as bitterly polarized as our own. Country music as it was made and played in Nashville every day derided hippies, just as hippies derided Nashville. True, a few subversives in Nashville reached out to the subculture, just as the Byrds famously tried to bridge the divide from the other side by playing the Grand Ole Opry, but the gulf was too deep. In the end, Gram Parsons' dream that country radio would sandwich his singles between George Jones and Loretta Lynn was no more than a dream. Country Rock was tailored to the newly minted underground FM rock format, not AM country.

By the mid-1970s, the rough edges in this music, harking back to hillbilly and rockabilly's unruly past, had become reduced to the Eagles' slick commercial equations. This CD and its companions tell the story of Country Rock from our arbitrarily assigned moment of its birth around 1966 until 1975. It's sequenced more or less chronologically so you can get a sense of the genre unfolding.

A final word: if a couple of your favorite tracks aren't here, there are several reasons. Perhaps we didn't know about them. Perhaps we didn't like them. Or, far more likely, the originating label wouldn't license to us.

Colin Escott

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Article properties:Various - Truckers, Kickers, Cowboy Angels: Vol.01, The Blissed-Out Birth Of Country Rock 1966-68 (2-CD)

Various - Truckers, Kickers, Cowboy Angels - Vol.01, The Blissed-Out Birth Of Country Rock 1966-68 (2-CD) CD 1
01Truck Driving ManInternational Submarine Band
02You Just Can’t QuitNelson, Rick
03Nashville CatsLovin’ Spoonful, The
04Pay The PriceBuffalo Springfield
05Tried So HardClark, Gene & The Gosdin Brothers
06Grizzely Bear aka Grizzly BearYoungbloods, The
07So You Say You Lost Your BabyClark, Gene & The Gosdin Brothers
08Tell MeGosdin Brothers, The
09Darlin’ CompanionLovin’ Spoonful
10I’m Movin’ OnEverly Brothers, The
11Ode To Billie JoeGentry, Bobbie
12Child’s Claim To FameBuffalo Springfield
13Bowling GreenEverly Brothers, The
14Niki HoekyGentry, Bobbie
15Luxury LinerInternational Submarine Band
16Blue EyesInternational Submarine Band
17What Am I Doing Hangin' RoundMonkees, The
18Old John RobertsonByrds, The
19Sugar BabeYoungbloods, The
20Ain’t That A ShameVernon, Kenny
21Ode To BillieNashville West
Various - Truckers, Kickers, Cowboy Angels - Vol.01, The Blissed-Out Birth Of Country Rock 1966-68 (2-CD) CD 2
01Do You Know How It Feels To Be LonesomeInternational Submarine Band
02Wasn’t Born To FollowByrds, The
03I’ll Be Your Baby TonightDylan, Bob
04The WeightBand, The
05She Sang Hymns Out Of TuneHearts & Flowers
06I Shall Be ReleasedBand, The
07You Ain't Going NowhereByrds, The
08Hickory WindByrds, The
09Turn AroundBeau Brummels, The
10The Loneliest Man In TownBeau Brummels, The
11Never Goin’ BackLovin’ Spoonful
12One Hundred Years From NowByrds, The
13Train Leaves Here This MorningDillard & Clark
14Make Up Your MindSpencers, The
15The Radio SongDillard & Clark
16Nobody KnowsDillards, The
17Listen To The SoundDillards, The
18The Conscience Of YouPayne, Dennis
19T For TexasEverly Brothers, The
20I Wonder If I’ll Care As Much (#2)Everly Brothers, The
TRUCKERS, KICKERS, COWBOY ANGELS The Blissed-Out Birth of Country Rock On January 12,... more
"Various - Truckers, Kickers, Cowboy Angels"


The Blissed-Out Birth of Country Rock

On January 12, 1970, 'Time' magazine placed The Band on its cover with the headline, 'The New Sound of Country Rock.' In the taxonomy of popular music, Country Rock was now a thing,a categoryby 1970.There were Country Rock browser bins in some stores, and trade magazines like 'Billboard'routinely classified records as country-rock or country/rock, expecting readers to know what they meant.

A category as vague and fissiparous as Country Rock can be defined narrowly or broadly. We've focused on rock musicians who embraced the concision, narrative drive, melodicism, and folk roots of country music, but we've also included a few country artists reaching out the other way. Rock musicians began trekking to Nashville after Bob Dylan began recording in Nashville in 1966, and they come still. Taking their cue from Dylan, a new breed of country songwriters, led by John Hartford, Mickey Newbury, Willie Nelson, and Kris Kristofferson, began writing songs that dared to stray from the I-IV-V chord norm. A scene coalesced around them, attracting guys like Donnie Fritts, Billy Joe Shaver, and Tony Joe White. Before long, established country artists like Waylon Jennings and Johnny Cash began to think about not making records the way Nashville liked to make them. Whether from Nashville, Los Angeles, or someplace else, country rock was enough of a category by 1970 to attract artists who often understood neither country nor rock. We tried to avoid bandwagon jumpers, preferring those who brought an original spin to their music.

Licensing can be a problem with compilations like this. Artists as well-known as Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young and Creedence Clearwater Revival were unavailable to us, alongside inexplicable denials like Rig. Some artists like Shiloh were on labels that have fallen into a contractual black hole. So if a recording that seems to belong here is missing, there's probably a clause in an aging contract explaining that. Even so, there's still plenty to love on the road to 1975.

 Colin Escott



"There was a shared sense of direction that was in tune with the times. The Band, the Byrds, Poco, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Dylan were all exploring traditional music augmented by the power of rock 'n' roll. Psychedelia had had its moment and we were continuing to evolve what we believed to be the logical next step in American music."

(Robert Hunter, lyricist for the Grateful Dead) 

"The winds that were blowing moved us all along. We each had different approaches - different tacks and different sails in the wind - but we mostly headed the same direction, just because of the push. I had no notion of country rock as a possible genre, although we used the phrase among ourselves as First National Band members. This was more to frame up and focus a feeling of playing. We weren't conscious of this being innovative. It was fun to play like that, and there was plenty to say with it, and we enjoyed listening to it, to each other. I listened to all the bands at some point, but not until some time after the form was well under way. We were all immersed in playing it and giving it voice; we only slowly discovered each other over time. Ideas come along like this regularly that push everyone along. No one controls it; no one leads it. Certainly, no one invents it. It is the moment when the songs start to sing the singers, and not the other way round. Everyone who plays and sings knows this when it happens, and it is the most fun you can have playing music. Like flying in your dreams, effortlessly - and especially fun if you find someone up there with you. You wave and smile and acknowledge the forces at work."

(Michael Nesmith)


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Customer evaluation for "Vol.01, The Blissed-Out Birth Of Country Rock 1966-68 (2-CD)"
12 Sep 2021

6 Mar 2018

Excellent collection!!

What an excellent collection of music! The extensive liner notes make it like a trip to a really cool museum! Thank you for making this available!

29 Jun 2015

Must have

Record Collector 01/15 "Phantastic sound, great looks - a must have!

25 Jun 2015

enorm ineressante Compilation

R & R Musikmagazin 6/14 "..eine musikalisch und historisch enorm interessante Compilation nicht nur für eingefelischte Rock 'n' Roller."
Concerto 12/14 "Eine fein editierte und schön aufgemachte Möglichkeit, der Entstehung des Phänomen Country-Rock nachzuspüren."

18 Feb 2015

Ein Extralob verdienen sich das noble Cover und die daumendicken, mit exzellenten Infos und hübschen Bildern versehenen Booklets.

Various Artist
Truckers, Kickers, Cowboy Angels - The Blissed-Out Birth Of Country Rock 1966-68, Vol. 1 + 1969, Vol. 2

Die Geburt des Country-Rock - in Wort, Song und Bild.

Das Jahr 1966 hatte es in sich: Deutschland verlor das WM-Finale gegen England wegen eines irregulären Treffers, die Beatles veröffentlichen REVOLVER, die Stones AFTER-MATH und die Beach Boys PET SOUNDS. Musikalisch also ein guter Jahrgang. Vor allem, weil nicht nur in Nashville kreative Köpfe an einem besonderen Mix werkelten - an der Kombination aus Country und Rock. Den Beginn dieser bis heute gültigen Erfolgsgeschichte erzählen die kompetenten Nachlassverwalter von Bear Family mit einer CD-Edition nach: THE BLISSED-OUT BIRTH OF COUNTRY ROCK. Volume 1 beleuchtet mit zwei CDs und insgesamt 41 Titeln den Zeitraum von 1966 bis 1968 - mit dabei: natürlich alle prominenten Pioniere und Ziehväter der neuen Stilrichtung. Also: The Byrds, Buffalo Springfield, The Band, The Everly Brothers, Bobbie Gentry, The Lovin' Spoonful und natürlich Meister Dylan. Alle da, alle mit ihren richtungsweisenden Klassikern. Aber auch: die weniger bekannten Wegbereiter wie die International Submarine Band (mit dem jungen Gram Parsons) oder die Hippie-Flüchtlinge aus San Francisco, The Beau Brummels. Volume 2 beschränkt sich mit einem Tonträger ganz auf 1969. Zu Recht, denn das Woodstock-Jahr war auch für die Country-Szene und Nashville gravierend: Dylan veröffentlichte seinen Meilenstein NASHVILLE SKYLINE und die Flying Burrito Brothers um Gram Parsons ihr epochales zweites Album. Mehr noch: Das Genre war erwachsen geworden und bot vielen unterschiedlichen Künstlern und Formationen eine neue Heimat, etwa Acts wie Doug Sahm, den Sanland Brothers oder der von Mike Neshmith produzierten Band The Corvettes. Sogar Elvis machte eine Hollywood-Pause und nahm in Memphis eine temperamentvolle Version des Hank-Snow-Songs >I'm Moving On< auf. Vor allem aber tauchten etliche neue Gesichter mit unverbrauchten Stimmen auf. Bands und Interpreten wie Linda Ronstadt und Poco, und der heute gottgleich gehuldigte Townes Van Zandt deutete mit >Lungs< sein Genie an. 1969 zweigte der Country-Rock aber auch schon ab in Richtung Kommerz: Glen Campbell steuerte mit >Galveston< und Kenny Rogers mit >Ruby< schnurstracks in die Charts. Ein Extralob verdienen sich das noble Cover und die daumendicken, mit exzellenten Infos und hübschen Bildern versehenen Booklets. Besser geht's wirklich nicht!

23 Dec 2014


If you're into 60's and 70's country rock (The Byrds/Michael Nesmith/Gram Parson's sounding goodies) this is THE compilation for you. I recieved Vol 1 and 2 as a gift and it hasn't left the CD player since. Simply wonderful and excellent selections. Do yourself a favor and grab this set up! You won't be disappointed.

4 Nov 2014


great sound, great compilation

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Various - Truckers, Kickers, Cowboy Angels - Vol.01, The Blissed-Out Birth Of Country Rock 1966-68 (2-CD) CD 1
01 Truck Driving Man
02 You Just Can’t Quit
03 Nashville Cats
04 Pay The Price
05 Tried So Hard
06 Grizzely Bear aka Grizzly Bear
07 So You Say You Lost Your Baby
08 Tell Me
09 Darlin’ Companion
10 I’m Movin’ On
11 Ode To Billie Joe
12 Child’s Claim To Fame
13 Bowling Green
14 Niki Hoeky
15 Luxury Liner
16 Blue Eyes
17 What Am I Doing Hangin' Round
18 Old John Robertson
19 Sugar Babe
20 Ain’t That A Shame
21 Ode To Billie
Various - Truckers, Kickers, Cowboy Angels - Vol.01, The Blissed-Out Birth Of Country Rock 1966-68 (2-CD) CD 2
01 Do You Know How It Feels To Be Lonesome
02 Wasn’t Born To Follow
03 I’ll Be Your Baby Tonight
04 The Weight
05 She Sang Hymns Out Of Tune
06 I Shall Be Released
07 You Ain't Going Nowhere
08 Hickory Wind
09 Turn Around
10 The Loneliest Man In Town
11 Never Goin’ Back
12 One Hundred Years From Now
13 Train Leaves Here This Morning
14 Make Up Your Mind
15 The Radio Song
16 Nobody Knows
17 Listen To The Sound
18 The Conscience Of You
19 T For Texas
20 I Wonder If I’ll Care As Much (#2)