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Various Artists The Great Tragedy - Winter Dance Party 1959 - No. 2 (CD)
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Press and Reviews
Presse Archiv - The Great Tragedy - Winter Dance Party 1959 - No. 2 - Now Dig This, UK Bear Family and El Toro have done a lot of good work in the past twelve months com-memorating the infamous Winter Dance Party tour, with releases looking at the music of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper, together with various tribute songs. Bear Family went a step further with The The Great Tragedy - The Winter Dance Party 1959' (reviewed in NDT 432) which looked beyond the Three Stars to the others on the original bill, such as Dion and Frankie Sardo. As a follow-up, they now concentrate on the bill after the fateful crash on February 3rd, hence the CD's tagline, 'And The Show Must Go On'. The tour organisers cer-tainly took that adage to heart by amazingly bringing in replacements for the very next night in Moorhead, Minnesota. These incomers ranged from a couple of up and coming pop stars to two local acts. The CD starts with a short history of the Winter Dance Party before we plunge into Lee Davis' 'Three Young Men'. Written by Pomus & Shuman, it's a poor song with a flat vocal that's as joyful as the occasion. Probably better, and definitely more successful, was Tommy Dee's tribute, 'Three Stars'. Written within hours of the crash, the song was pitched to Eddie Cochran who found it too raw, resulting in Dee recording his own version before the week was out. From the original bill we get a couple each from Sardo and Dion & The Belmonts. Sardo's 'finest' moment for me was 'I Wanna Rock', but here we get both sides of ABC-Paramount 45-10003, the Elvis-like 'No Love Like Me' and the slightly annoying 'Oh Linda'. Dion & The Belmonts are simply sublime on the top side of Laurie 3021, with The Belmonts giving one of their finest performances. The flip, 'Just You', was a bit too poppy and according to Dion was one of the reasons he left the group and label. The sleeve-notes quote him thus: "I think this is what really split Dion & The Belmonts up, this idea of this smooth sound. I just couldn't embrace it. It was like singing my dad's music, and I just wasn't into it." Flown in to save the day and fill the genuine
Presse Archiv - The Great Tragedy - Winter Dance Party 1959 - No. 2 - countryjukebox VA: THE GREAT TRAGEDY - WINTER DANCE PARTY 1959 #2 am 3. Februar jährte sich zum 61. Mal der Todestag des amerikanischen Sängers, Songschreibers und Gitarristen BUDDY HOLLY, der sich mit Songs wie „Peggy Sue“, „Oh Boy“, „Rave On“ und „That’ll Be The Day“ für alle Zeiten in den Rock ’n’ Roll-Annalen verewigt hat an diesem Tag bestieg Holly zusammen mit den Rock ’n‘ Rollern Ritchie Valens (17) und Big Bopper (28) nach einem Konzert in Clear Lake, Iowa eine von ihm gecharterte Beechcraft Bonanza, die ihn nach Fargo, North Dakota bringen sollte - vermutlich aufgrund eines Instrumentenablesefehlers des 21-jährigen Piloten Roger Petersen kommt es zum Absturz der kleinen einmotorigen Propellermaschine, den keiner der Insassen überlebt die als Winter Dance Party auf drei Wochen angelegte Tournee durch den Mittleren Westen ging mit den jungen Teenager-Idolen Frankie Avalon, Jimmy Clanton, Fabian, Bobby Vee und Bill Parsons weiter - mit über 30 Aufnahmen erinnert The Great Tragedy - Winter Dance Party 1959 #2 nicht nur an Buddy Holly sondern auch an die Überlebenden und die Ersatzstars - ein starkes wie empfehlenswertes Stück Musikgeschichte, das jetzt erstmals auf CD erhältlich ist
Press Archives - The Great Tragedy - Winter Dance Party 1959 - Goldmine VARIOUS ARTISTS THE GREAT TRAGEDY 2: WINTER DANCE PARTY 1959... AND THE SHOW MUST GO ON Bear Family Records (CD) *** After Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, The Big Bopper and pilot Roger Peterson died that fateful morning of February 3, 1959, "The Winter Dance Party" soldiered on for another 10 straight days with Dion & The Belmonts, Frankie Sardo Sc The Crickets, Frankie Avalon, Jimmy Clanton, Fabian, Robert Veline & His Shadows and Bill Par-sons. Holly had fired The Crickets in '58. His new band consisted of bassist Waylon Jennings, guitarist Tommy Allsup and drummer Carl Bunch. Veline found fame later as Bobby Vee. This second volume of music from the aforementioned continues with the aftermath of the event with 34 tracks in just under 80 minutes.
Press Archives - The Great Tragedy - Winter Dance Party 1959 - Penthouse „That'll be the day, when I die ..." Buddy Holly ahnte bei seinem letzten Auftritt am 2. Februar 1959 noch nicht, wie nah dieser Tag war. Allerdings war die chao-tisch geplante „Winter Dance Party"-Tour bisher die Hölle gewesen, unterwegs in klapprigen Bussen kreuz und quer durch drei eisige Bundesstaaten. Um bequemer zum nächsten Gig zu kommen, bestieg Buddy in den frühen Morgenstunden des 3. Februar mit Ritchie Valens und The Big Bopper ein Kleinflugzeug. Ihr tödlicher Absturz gilt in der Rock'n'Roll-Geschichte als „the day the music died". Die Compilation „The Great Tragedy" erinnert mit den Songs der Beteiligten, Interviews und Nachrichtenberichten von damals an ihre letzte, schicksalhafte Tour.
Press Archives - The Great Tragedy - Winter Dance Party 1959 - Vive Le Rock VARIOUS ARTISTS THE GREAT TRAGEDY —WINTER DANCE PARTY '59 (Bear Family) Tasteful 60th anniversary tribute On the year of the 60th anniversary of the 3rd of February 1959 'The Day The Music Died' Bear Family have released this tribute CD of the ill-fated Winter Dance Party tour, during which a plane crash claimed the lives of JP Richardson aka 'The Big Bopper', Buddy Holly and Ritchie Valens. Those 40 tracks include hits and interviews of the aforementioned, radio advertising for the tour, news reports of the death of the trio and tribute songs, Eddie Cochran's 'Three Stars' one of the most poignant given his life was to cut tragically short just over a year later. It's an album to be listened to in its entirety, which probably means it will languish on the shelf a lot but with extensive sleeve notes it's an historical document that'll remain evergreen. Simon Nott
Press Archives - The Great Tragedy - Winter Dance Party 1959 - - Blues & Rhythm W nter Dance Party 1959'. Writing this in February 2019, sixty years later, seems rather poignant. Much is made in the lavish and in-depth booklet of the wisdom of touring the mid-west in the middle of a fierce winter in busses with failing heating, so that Buddy Holly chartered a small plane to take some of the participants of the 'Winter Dance Party' package to the next gig after their show on 2nd February 1959: Ritch e Valens flipped a coin with guitarist Tommy Alisup for a place, and The Big Bopper cajoled Waylon Jennings out of his place. The CD contains music from around the time from all those on the tour, including Dion & The Belmonts, fellow New Yorker Frankie Sardo (his 'Class Room' is a Coasters-inflected number h s other, the far less interesting 'Fake Out', is misplaced on the track listing), and rocker Debbie Stevens who was one of the opening acts at the show in Kenosha, Wisconsin. There are also tribute songs by Eddie Cochran, Hershel Almond, with the track that gives the CD its main title (released on Ace), Ray Camp and Benny Barnes. The set even includes radio promos for the tour, an interview with Buddy Holly by Alan Freed (talking largely about flying and more newscasts on the tragedy. Musically of course th s s rock and roll all the way, and very much a snapshot of an era and both of these sets come highly recommended, of course.