Who was/is Harmon Boazeman ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD and more
Harmon Boazeman
HARMON BOAZEMAN (born 1931) was, from about 1954 until 1963, the singer and front man for one of San Antonio's better-known country and western groups, the Circle C Band. A talented vocalist, Boazeman made his recording debut at the Circle C Band's one and only session for Sarg on December 13, 1956, at ACA. The lyrics tend to suggest that No Love In You had probably been a mid-tempo country bopper in its original guise; here it's recast as an unabashed rocker that favorably compares to Sun Records' finer moments.
For unknown reasons, Fitch sat on the master tape for almost two-and-a-half years before finally releasing No Love In You in April, 1959. The initial pressing was only 206 copies; 100 more were ordered four months later. Boazeman, who began using the stage name Lee Harmon, went on to record for various labels in a purely country style, though the rollicking Ramshackled Shack on Melco is a worthy successor to No Love In You. Boazeman died by his own hand on September 20, 1972. No one who recorded for Sarg was more 'country' than Gonzales, Texas native AL URBAN. Yet Urban's Gonna Be Better Times b/w Won't Tell You Her Name is easily one of Sarg's most notable rockabilly efforts. Urban, who'd been performing in the area since the early fifties, had first recorded for his own Dixie label before coming to Sarg in 1956.
Recorded at Gold Star Studios in Houston in early 1958 with that studio's famous team of house musicians (Hal Harris, Doc Lewis, etc.), both the country-blues inflected Gonna Be Better Times and the more straightforward rock 'n' roll novelty Won't Tell You Her Name are distinguished by superb vocals from Urban and blazing leads from Harris. Hoping to garner plenty of spins where Harris worked as a disc jockey (KRCT in Baytown), Fitch actually credited the guitarist on the label, probably the only time Hal was so recognized. Unfortunately, Harris was just about the only deejay who did play it, and the record unjustly faded with little recognition. Urban went on to record for several Nashville labels in the sixties and seventies (as well as his own Fang Records), and Charley Pride, among others, have recorded his songs.
© Bear Family Records®
Excerpt from
Various - That'll Flat Git It!
Vol.18 - Rockabilly From The Vaults Of Sarg Records (CD)
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