Who was/is Karl Berbuer ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD and more
Karl Berbuer
* 26 July 1900 - 17 November 1977
His name and musical activities are closely linked to the Cologne Carnival: The son of a master baker, he was already involved in Rhenish folk plays at a young age - especially when he was dismissed as a soldier from the First World War - and became known in the Cologne area with his first songs. In 1948/49 he was noticed nationwide when he was heard with his self-written "Trizonesien-Song". It deals with the three western occupation zones after the Second World War. The song about "Trizonesia" is so enthusiastically received that it survives the time of the fools and afterwards at some sports events it even sounds instead of the missing national anthem. Berbuer subsequently made recordings for Polydor until the end of the 50s, but none could match the "Trizonesien Song". - The cheerful Berbuer dies at the age of 77 as a result of a stroke.
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