Who was/is The Barbarians ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD and more
The first US punk band. Members included Victor 'Moulty' Moulton, Jerry Causi, Jeff Morris and Bruce Benson. They were featured in 'The T.A.M.I. Show' movie (1965).
Memphis, Tennessee (2:25) 1965
LP: The Barbarians [Laurie LLP-2033 (mono) SLP-2033 (stereo)] ● USA, 1965
45: Fermata FB-33-148 ● Brazil, 1966 (picture sleeve)
LP: The Barbarians [Rhino RNLP-008] ● USA, 1979
The Brazilian single has a great picture sleeve of the group. The 'B' side is a Bo Diddley cover.
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