Who was/is Arsen Roulette ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD and more

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20.000 Leagues Under The Sea (LP, 10inch)
Arsen Roulette & Robbie's Dirty Crew: 20.000 Leagues Under The Sea (LP, 10inch) Art-Nr.: LPDGRARS01

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(Doghouse & Bone Records) 8 tracks - Limted Edition Session Crew: Arsen Roulette - Vocal & Rhythm Guitar Roberto Gorgone - Vocal & Lead Guitar Mario Zuvela - Double Bass Claudio Bisonte - Drums
Hit, Git & Split b-w Behave Be Good Or Goodbye 7inch, 45rpm, EP, PS, SC
Arsen Roulette: Hit, Git & Split b-w Behave Be Good Or Goodbye... Art-Nr.: 45ET15028

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(2013/El Toro)
Dear You (2011)
Arsen Roulette: Dear You (2011) Art-Nr.: CDET7002

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(2011/EL TORO) 14 new Rockabilly killers from California.(42:52)
$10.95 $17.54