Who was/is Ilja Glusgal ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD and more

Ilya Glusgal

Ilja Glusgal was born on 24.07.1921 in Berlin. Already with 9 years he got piano and violin lessons at a conservatory. From 1942 he played drums with Bully Buhlan and the orchestra Lubo d'Orio. From 1946 he was drumming for the RBT orchestra. Orchestra leader Michael Jary discovered Ilja's singing talent when he saw him performing in an English soldier club. In 1947 first titles with Ilja Glausgal as singer appeared. Until 1948 he played drums with Walter Dobschinski's orchestra, then he concentrated on his singing career.

Until 1950 he sang for the East Berlin company Amiga, then for various West German companies. During this time he reached the zenith of his popularity, which also led to his being used in several feature films. From 1952 to 1956 he played in music movies like "Tanzende Sterne", "Wie werde ich Filmstar?", "Hotel Allotria" and "Blume von Hawaii". At the end of the 50's Ilja Glusgal emigrated to the U.S.A.. In 1964 he took part again in the ZDF TV show "Olympia-Ball" from Innsbruck. Ilja Glusgal died on 17 April 1983 in his adopted home of San Francisco.

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More information about Ilja Glusgal on Wikipedia.org

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Nach uns die Sintflut - 50 große Erfolge (2-CD)
Ilja Glusgal: Nach uns die Sintflut - 50 große Erfolge (2-CD) Art-Nr.: CD2087712

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Ach, lachen Sie doch (1947-51)
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