Who was/is Bill Cox ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD and more
West Virginia-born Bill Cox (1897-1968) was born the same year as Jimmie Rodgers and began his career as ARC's answer to the Singing Brakeman. Nicknamed 'The Dixie Songbird,' Cox recorded prolifically in the early 1930s, making records as a solo performer (with a variety of aliases), and later, as a duo with partner Cliff Hobbs. California Blues was attributed the fourth opus in Rodgers' blue yodel series and was one of the most popular. Cox's career dissipated in the early 1940s and he disappeared from the music scene, only to be rediscovered by a folklorist in the mid-1960s, living in poverty in Charleston. In 1966, he recorded one last album for the Kanawha label, but failed to include any songs by Jimmie Rodgers, the artist he most admired.
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