Who was/is Jeff Stone ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD and more

Jeff Stone

From its opening lines, JEFF STONE's Everybody Rock epitomizes the rock 'n' roll ethos, capturing a wild night at 'Abe's on Ninety.' Stone was a 20-year-old San Antonian who'd previously worked with a group called the Country Cut-Ups. Though most people who auditioned for Sarg either mailed in demo tapes or requested that Fitch come to one of their live appearances, Stone simply strolled into the record store one day, guitar in hand, and announced he was ready to make a record. A brief once-through of Everybody Rock convinced Charlie to take the young singer up on his offer. The resulting session occured at ACA on September 21, 1956. 

Since Jeff didn't have a band of his own, a studio group of black rhythm and blues musicians was called in. The drummer relies too much on his cymbals for rock 'n' roll, but the manic guitarist seems to have grasped the style just fine. (Houston blues legend Elmore Nixon is sitting in on the piano, but for some reason can only be heard on the final note.) Fitch's finances at the time delayed the release of Everybody Rock until eight months after it was recorded, by which time Stone had joined the Air Force. Though it's well-known among rockabilly fanatics today, at the time of its release Everybody Rock barely sold, and Fitch ended up giving away most of the copies to disc jockeys. In recent years, Stone has begun recording again, cutting sessions in Nashville with old friend Tommy Hill.

© Bear Family Records®

Excerpt from
Various - That'll Flat Git It!
Vol.18 - Rockabilly From The Vaults Of Sarg Records (CD)

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More information about Jeff Stone on Wikipedia.org

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