Who was/is Moses Smith ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD and more
Moses Smith
As the political and social climate changed during the 1960s, Moses Smith joined Slim Harpo and others in finding a few gigs outside the local black music venues, and he played for a while on the college circuit and popular family venues like the Thun- derbird beach. He was dropped by Jay Miller as a singles artist when that market diminished in mid-decade but by 1970, when Slim Harpo died and Smith joined the EXCELLO swamp blues ses- sions, he was the leading harp player in town along with Raful Neal. On this tune, Moses shows many of his abilities and under- lines that his solo harmonica playing far outweighed his vocal prowess.
On the back of the swamp blues sessions, Smith toured in Europe in 1972 with Lightnin' Slim and he became a regular at the newly created New Orleans jazz festivals. He was at several folk-blues festivals in the North and in Europe, being recorded live in Mon- treux, London, and Germany. One show with Lightnin' Slim cap- tured him, "arms flailing, body weaving, and legs ducking; his performance was animation itself, a throwback to the country dance and juke joint workouts of yesteryear." In Baton Rouge, he made an LP for EXCELLO/BLUE HORIZON at the Deep South Studio with Boe Melvin on guitar, produced by Lionel Whitfield. Smith...
© Bear Family Records
Extract from: Various Artists - Blues Kings Of Baton Rouge (2-CD) - BCD17512
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