Pressearbeit / Media Deutschland:
Shack Media Promotion Agency
Tom Redecker - Postfach 1627 - 27706 Osterholz-Scharmbeck
Tel.: 04791-980642 - Fax: 04791-980643 [email protected]

Automatically scanned from the original press reviews by an OCR software, the text files in our Press Archive may contain errors and mutilations. We will eliminate these errors whenever time allows. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

Pressearbeit / Media Deutschland: Shack Media Promotion Agency Tom Redecker - Postfach 1627 - 27706 Osterholz-Scharmbeck Tel.: 04791-980642 -  Fax:... read more »
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Bear Family Records Press Archive

Pressearbeit / Media Deutschland:
Shack Media Promotion Agency
Tom Redecker - Postfach 1627 - 27706 Osterholz-Scharmbeck
Tel.: 04791-980642 - Fax: 04791-980643 [email protected]

Automatically scanned from the original press reviews by an OCR software, the text files in our Press Archive may contain errors and mutilations. We will eliminate these errors whenever time allows. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

Press Archive - Next Stop Is Vietnam - Culture and Society
Press Archive - Next Stop Is Vietnam - Culture and Society
American musicologist Hugo A. Keesing has compiled a 13-CD collection of more than 300 songs of, by and about the Vietnam War and the soldiers who fought in it. Leavened with excerpts from historic speeches and broadcasts – Eisenhower on the ‘military–industrial complex’, Johnson requesting the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, the rst draft lo ery draw, and many others – the anthology, while selective, o ers a comprehensive overview of the war, the war at home and the legacy of both as re ected in popular culture. A fourteenth CD-ROM includes all the song lyrics, and a highly pictorial.
Press Archive - Next Stop Is Vietnam - EL PAÍS
Press Archive - Next Stop Is Vietnam - EL PAÍS
Next stop is Vietnam' contiene 13 discos y un libro de 300 páginas
58.220 dejaron su vida— en la guerra de Vietnam (1964-1973), cuya sombra persigue no solo a los supervivientes. Next stop is Vietnam.